Early Christmas Presents

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Early Christmas Presents
Edward has been walking around this past week
 with a permanent plum red lipstick mark atop his furry white head. 
 I just keep hugging him and planting a kiss right there. 
 For I will tell you the truth: 
 even better than writing the book and seeing it published more beautifully than I'd dreamed
 is knowing people are loving it. 
 It just makes me so happy.
Reading the generous posts written by bloggers I adore brings a tear to my eye 
and puts an extra spring in my step.
  I wonder, can lipstick permanently stain white fur?

Thank you dear Jeanne, Brooke, Helen and Karena!

Read the lovely Jeanne's post HERE.
Find the ever inspiring Brooke at Velvet and Linen HERE
And the talented artist, Helen Tilston, HERE.
Also, an interview with the delightful artist, Karena!  HERE

And get your copy of From the House of Edward HERE.
Remember, if you'd like it wrapped for Christmas, please indicate that 
in the little paypal box!

Big Post on Christmas Books coming Later in the Week!