Books For Christmas
If your name happens to be on my Christmas List then you usually know to expect books under your tree.
There is not much I love better than spending a cold winter’s day in the perfect bookshop, selecting presents for my family and friends. So to get your imagination bubbling, here at The House of Edward this holiday season, I shall be featuring some delectable books for those certain people in our lives.
We’ll begin with books for our aunts and uncles.
Just click on the photos and find out more about each one.
You so looked forward to his visits when you were little. There was always butterscotch in the pockets of his tweed jackets and always a dog by his side. He talked to you about history - about Catherine the Great and Anne Boleyn, about Hannibal and his elephants - telling the tales with such tantalizing drama that for the longest time you thought he made them all up. He taught you to ride bareback and sent you velvet dresses every single Christmas Eve. You adored him. He let you name his latest dog, a devoted little dachshund now called Hannibal. He’ll love any one of these books.
A Letter to My Dog
by Robin Layton
Charming letters written by the famous and non-famous to their own beloved dogs.
A must have book for anybody who loves their dog.
And who doesn’t love their dog?
by Robin Layton
Charming letters written by the famous and non-famous to their own beloved dogs.
A must have book for anybody who loves their dog.
And who doesn’t love their dog?
Underwater Dogs
by Seth Casteel
Dogs swimming.
Funny and completely irresistible pictures of unabashed canine joy.
Dogs swimming.
Funny and completely irresistible pictures of unabashed canine joy.
The Big New Yorker Book of Dogs
by the New Yorker Magazine, Foreward by Malcolm Gladwell
I mean this is an absolute must.
If only for the cartoons.
Edward is particularly fond of this one....
I mean this is an absolute must.
If only for the cartoons.
Edward is particularly fond of this one....
Books for Your Favourite Aunt.
She read you Balzac when you were seven and sent you a plane ticket to Morocco when you graduated high school.
You’ve never seen her in a dress, but her hats are things of legend. She keeps chickens and names them all Louise.
She’s been arrested at peace rallies, holds once a month poetry readings in her garden, and (you found this out when you arrived unannounced one early Saturday morning) she sleeps in the buff.
She is the aunt who encourages you to think and take risks, to travel and dream.
These books are for her.
Cabinets of Wonder
Tim Walker, Storyteller
by Robin Muir
Like many others, I seek out the photographs of Tim Walker,
for their imaginative surrealism and beauty.
It’s difficult these days to come across unique images,
but Mr. Walker never disappoints.
England’s Hideaways
Cabinets of Wonder
by Christine Davenne
Thoroughly, wonderfully eccentric collections.
A literary tour you’ll savour.
Thoroughly, wonderfully eccentric collections.
A literary tour you’ll savour.
Tim Walker, Storyteller
by Robin Muir
Like many others, I seek out the photographs of Tim Walker,
for their imaginative surrealism and beauty.
It’s difficult these days to come across unique images,
but Mr. Walker never disappoints.
England’s Hideaways
by Meg Nolan van Reesema
A collection of enchanting rooms, stately manor houses and country cottages.
For planning that next dreamy adventure!
And .... they both just might like this one!
More to come.... stay tuned.
And .... they both just might like this one!
More to come.... stay tuned.