In Like A Lamb....
and A Giveaway From Edward
1. Juniper Moon Farms
As I write this, we are under the threat of tornadoes that have carved a path across the eastern part of the US with a fury and are currently lighting up our television screen with colours of red and fuschia. It looks to be a long night. Even so, I have to admit that March did come in like a lamb on Thursday. Warm, breezy, and most unusual for this time of year. And as it is time for one of my occasional, and rather eclectic, lists, I thought it would be appropriate to open with one of the most wonderful, and lamb-filled, sites I’ve found.
I recently came across Juniper Moon Farms via Twitter, and it has since become one of the sites I check into every single morning for a daily dose of sweetness. In search of a “more authentic life”, Susan Gibbs, (aka @ShepherdSusie on Twitter) left her job as a New York City network news producer to purchase a sheep farm. That’s the basic story but there is so much more. This wonderful web site is the perfect place for anyone who loves animals, knitting, gorgeous yarns, farm life, beauty, nature, photography ... I could go on and on, but you really should visit and discover Juniper Moon Farms yourself. They have a delightful daily blog and there is now a magazine in the works. I cannot wait for that.
Visit them HERE.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the list for March.
Oh, and be sure to read till the end.
Edward is conducting his very first giveaway!
2. Jubilee Scarf
How I would love to be in the UK this spring.
Not an unusual longing for me, it’s true, but this spring that longing is especially strong, for this is the spring of the Queen’s Jubilee, a celebration of her sixty years on the throne. Of course, this has to mean some fabulous shopping opportunities are out there. From books to tea towels, candy tins to dinner plates.
For myself, the moment my plane landed, I would head straight over to the Victoria and Albert and snatch up one of these fabulous scarves.
Designed by Laura Berens, this lovely scarf manages to be both nostalgic and modern at the same time.
I’m crazy about it!
Find it HERE
There is always music playing in my kitchen.
I cook to music. We eat to music.
Even when we leave the house, classical radio is left on for Edward and Apple and I have absolutely no doubt it contributes greatly to their calm, companionable personalities.
With so much music playing, is it any wonder The Songwriter and I often dance in the kitchen? Surely we aren’t the only ones.
This tea towel is perfect for us.
Find it HERE.
4. Finally!
I stopped taking the Oscar awards seriously the year Meryl Streep failed to win best actress for the movie, Ironweed. Her performance in that film just devastated me with its truth and compassion and I was aghast when she was left sitting in her chair watching Cher accept the award. My shock continued year after year as, once again, the statue was handed to another. Was there any other actress who brought Lindy Chamberlain to life as she did in Cry in the Dark? Sister Aloysius in Doubt? Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada? Such marvelous work, but still no Oscar win. I do believe she is taken for granted by Hollywood. Just imagine if an unknown actress had played Julia Child the way she did in Julie and Julia. Why, that actress would have been hailed as a genius with an Oscar in her hand for certain.
So it was with low expectations I heard Colin Firth call out the roster of Best Actress nominees last Sunday night.
And it was with a tear in my eye that I watched Meryl Streep accept her first Oscar in twenty-nine years.
As The Songwriter knows all too well, I am someone who deplores election years. The malicious negativity, the patronizing that insults my intelligence at every opportunity, the sheer shrillness of it all simply sets my teeth on edge. Here on this blog, my own little corner of the world, I usually choose not to cover such things.
So at present I’d rather not discuss the candidate who promised to put a colony on the moon by the close of his second term, a vow that managed to embrace both idiocy and arrogance in one fell swoop. Nor do I wish to consider the candidate who declared, quite chillingly, that the separation of church and state makes him “want to throw up”.
But I am prepared to take serious issue with the chap who considered it appropriate to strap the family dog to the roof of the car for a twelve hour trip from Boston to Toronto. When the dog understandably became ill during the journey, this prince of a man simply pulled the car into the next gas station, where he hosed off both car and dog, and put the poor creature right back up on the roof. Although this candidate has told the press that he sent the dog to live happily ever after on a farm, his own sons told the press that, in fact, it ran away upon arriving in Canada after that fateful journey. Trust me, I would have run away too.
This is utterly horrifying to me and tells me absolutely everything I need to know about this man.
For reference, this is how the family dog should travel in a car.....
6. Downton Withdrawal
It’s over.
For a whole entire year.
Whatever shall we do?
Perhaps these will help.
Find Them HERE.
Be still my heart.
He’s back.
With a new CD called Old Ways.
Is there anything more to say?
Get it HERE

So you’ve finally bought that cottage at the beach. The one you’d always dreamed of. Set off by itself on a rise just beyond the dunes, its windows are always open to the wind off the Atlantic, its weathered wooden floors always slightly sandy. You’ve painted the sitting room Wimborne White and slipcovered the fat armchairs in heavy white linen. Across the chaise by the window there is a sunflower yellow shawl, as large as a bed sheet, that you knitted yourself. The shell lamps were made by a lady in town and their cream coloured shades are forever slightly askew, the result of the jostling they take when your two standard poodles play chase each other around the room. Over the fireplace hangs a portrait of your great aunt Lillian, the one who took a solo trip to Africa when she was seventy-eight years old. She is wearing a bright blue dress and holding her Cairn Terrier, Henry, in her lap. And in the center of the room, always at the ready to welcome a tea tray, or a pair of bare feet, sits this ottoman.
Find it HERE.
I am happy to go on record as saying that I simply do not understand hunting for pleasure. I’ve had hunters try to lessen my revulsion for this so-called "sport" by telling me of the exhilaration they feel being out in the wilderness, coming face to face with one of God’s grand creatures. But they always lose me when they get to the part where they shoot the animal between the eyes. Watching the life light drain from a magnificent animal holds no joy for me, quite the opposite. Likewise, seeing hunting trophies displayed on the walls of houses gives me the serious creeps.
Perhaps that is why I love this stag so very much.
Needlepointed and filled with whimsy, this Frederique Morrel creation is the only stag I would ever think of hanging on my wall.
I simply adore it.
See more of her amazing artwork HERE
When we adopted Edward he had been on the streets for several months. Hard to believe, I know, and something we never discuss. I have no doubt those particular memories have evaporated for him anyway. He had a bit of a wonky tummy at first, the result of insufficient, and less that nourishing, food. So we made certain that he got the very best diet he possibly could and he was soon thriving. Both Edward and Apple eat really well, I’m happy to say. They deserve it, and a good nourishing diet makes such a difference in their health. I read food labels and make certain every thing they have, either for meals or treats, is as fresh and beneficial as possible.
That’s why Edward and I were so tickled when the folks over at Mr. Chewy contacted us to ask if we’d like to host a giveaway for their site. Everything they carry is good for your dog or cat. The best diets, the healthiest treats.... (Edward is particularly fond of the Dogswell Chicken Breast jerky with Flaxseed and Vitamins), plus all the best flea and tick treatments. And they’ll ship straight to your door.
Visit them HERE.
Mr. Chewy is generously offering a $50 gift coupon to one fortunate reader of From The House of Edward!
All you have to do is leave a comment here on this post. Even better, become a follower for an extra chance to win.
Edward and I will draw the winning comment on the night of the next full moon...
March 8th... at midnight.
Edward wishes you all good luck,
and a Happy Month of March!