Let's Go Christmas Shopping!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Let's Go Christmas Shopping

While it’s true that all my Christmas gifts for friends and family are already wrapped and under the tree, I still like to pop into my favourite shops on a cold December afternoon, just the feel the excitement of the season. A leisurely lunch with a friend or two, then a wander through the gaily decorated aisles of festive stores... so much fun. And you never know, I just might find a treasure I cannot live without.

Here are a few items, all fanciful and fun, I’ve recently discovered.

You just might find a treasure of your own!

Happy shopping!


1. Fanciful Towels

I’m crazy about these pink carpet bath towels!

In sizes from washcloth to beach towel.


Find Them HERE.

2. The Solar Queen

I’m in love with the Queen.

She’s solar powered, and she waves in the sun!

There's even a limited edition wearing her yellow dress from Kate and William's wedding!

I think she’d be perfect sitting on the windowsill beside my desk.

Waving in the sunshine.

Find Her HERE.
3. Pendleton Blanket To Go

This roll-up Pendleton blanket would be wonderful to keep in the car for those times

when Edward and I pass by a particularly beautiful spot

and can’t resist an impromptu picnic.

Find It HERE.
4. Rickshaw


A way for me to transport Edward in the manner he truly deserves!!

Find It HERE.
5. iPod Victrola

A speaker for the iPod.

Blending the old with the new.

Love this.

Find It HERE
6. The Perfect Playhouse

I bet you know a special child who’d flip over this hideaway.

Or maybe a special adult!

Find It HERE.

7. And For The Cat

Yes, we are a dog family.

But for the cat lovers..... this is fabulous!

Find It HERE.

8. Gift Tags

To me, wrapping presents is almost as fun as finding them.

And these gift tags are a delight!

Find Them HERE.

9. iPhone Case
Love This!
Find It HERE.

10. The Perfect Stuffed Animal
And everyone, of every age, needs one!

Find Him HERE.