I've just started doing Yoga again .... I always start, then something happens and I don't keep it up.
But this time, so far so good, thanks to a DVD, I love classes but I just find it easier to fit in at home .... sometimes I only do half an hour, sometimes an hour but I must say every time I do I feel "AMAZING" .... so energized and stretched and I really do end up getting so much more done.
But this time, so far so good, thanks to a DVD, I love classes but I just find it easier to fit in at home .... sometimes I only do half an hour, sometimes an hour but I must say every time I do I feel "AMAZING" .... so energized and stretched and I really do end up getting so much more done.
If I was lucky enough to live in Paris I think I could manage to drag myself to
Kia Naddermier's classes here (isn't the studio divine) .....
Kia Naddermier's classes here (isn't the studio divine) .....