Once Again Smiling
When I was little, if ever I found myself in a pitiful mood, my father would pull funny faces to make me laugh, and it used to infuriate me. For no matter how defiantly I would attempt to hold fast to my sorrowful state, I knew that, eventually, he would win out and my lips would start to quiver, just a bit at first, but enough to relinquish my hold on blueness, and soon I would be laughing out loud.
I suppose, like Beatrice, I was born under a dancing star.
There are worse things.
After my disappointment, mentioned in the previous post, I did spend the weekend in a fine bout of wallowing, as one simply must from time to time. But now, I’m feeling better, as most of you knew I would be, and of course that means Edward is feeling better as well, as evidenced by the smile he is sporting, curled up in his favourite chair.
I thought you might like to see some of my weekend indulgences.
I highly recommend them if you find yourself in a pitiful mood.

1. Ice Cream
I told you this would be a part of my wallowing!
This is my new favourite ice cream.
I find it at Fresh Market, but it’s probably available everywhere.
2. Duck Soup
The best war movie ever made.
Hail Fredonia!
3. Bob and Ray
They are, perhaps, an acquired taste, but these two fellows never fail to make me laugh with their amazing ability to find grand humour in the pedestrian.
4. Downton Abbey
Like so many, I’m totally hooked on this new production, currently being shown on PBS here in the States.
Dame Maggie Smith guilelessly steals every single scene she is in.
Watching her character try to sit in a swivel chair for the first time was a brilliant experience.
5. The Friendship of Bloggers
Having previously written about my love of Horlicks on a winter’s night, I have been so astonished at the remarkable kindness of my British blogging friends.
I have received packages of this chocolate nectar from no less than four British bloggers!
You have made these cold nights delicious!
And thank you to both My French Country Home and Picture of Elegance for recently giving me a Stylish Blogger Award!
I’m honoured!
6. Laugh
In much the same fashion as my father, who tried to make me laugh, The Songwriter sent me this.
And yes, it worked.
7. Charm
Ah, it charmed my socks off.
Life is good.
Thank you for all your ideas and happy thoughts, by the way. You are the best!
And to those of you kind enough to wonder about Edward whilst I am away from time to time... not to worry. Edward and Apple have a devoted sitter who moves into our cottage and takes very good care of them.
But yes, they would much rather go with us than stay behind.