September Means Autumn
Even though, technically, there are a few more days to go, here at The House of Edward we have declared the summer to be over.
September means Autumn, as far as I am concerned.
So, I am back to baking bread and listening to Vivaldi.
I have purchased my ticket to Christmas and am preparing the gifts I shall wrap up in December.
I am searching out antique turkey plates for my Thanksgiving feast.
I am on the lookout for a new witches hat to wear on Halloween.
It is the best time of the year.
So in celebration of my favourite season, here are some recent finds I could not resist sharing!
1. Pumpkin Teapot
With the arrival of cooler weather, the tea consumption here at The House of Edward goes up with every degree the themometer goes down. Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English Breakfast and Spice..... every flavour of fall would be perfect in this adorable teapot.
Don’t you think??
2. Man Shops Globe
I have to confess that I’m not a big watcher of television. Old movies, Masterpiece theatre and the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show are exceptions. But I am thoroughly uninterested in competive cooking, hateful political diatribe, or those programs that follow ordinary bipeds around with a camera, somehow transforming them into celebrities whose every squirm and twiddle then becomes fodder for magazines and even more worthless television. Yes, I am teetering on the precipice of a rant, so I’ll move on.
I say all this to explain the healthy scepticism I felt when a good friend told me that I simply “must “ watch a new program on the Sundance Channel entitled “Man Shops Globe”. Well, one viewing and I was hooked. The series follows uber-shopper Keith Johnson around as he hunts for objects to fill the Antropologie stores worldwide. What a job! In each country he visits, someone has already ferreted out the most fascinating artists for him to meet with, and we get to come along to their quirky studios in every corner of the globe. At the end of each episode, I am so creatively jazzed that I have to write something, knit something or bake something almost immediately just to tame the imaginative beast inside me that has been set dancing by the sights I’ve just seen.
Here are two of my favourite artists (who just happen to create two of my favourite animals) recently featured on the show.
Click the link under the photo of their work to see a video clip.
3. Owls by Anna Wili-Highfield
4. Dogs by Domenica More-Gordon
5. Same Sky Bracelets
I am often appalled at the prices of fashion. Yes, I am completely in love with that new sharp-lined grey coat by Stella McCartney, the one with the cut-out lapels, but I simply could never rationalize spending 2,300 dollars to make it my own. But now.... these gorgeous glass bead bracelets... that’s another story. Of course, they are much less costly to begin with, but one could actually purchase an armful and feel wonderful because the money is going to such a marvelous cause.
Take a look see.... I want the butterscotch one...
See More HERE
6. The Best Hat Ever
I downloaded this pattern the moment I saw it on Stephanie Dosen’s wonderfully creative blog, Owl in the Dark.
The only question left to answer... do I make it for someone else, or do I make it for myself??
The only question left to answer... do I make it for someone else, or do I make it for myself??
Find it HERE
7. The Best Necklace Ever
Whimsy bordering on beauty. A delightful spot to be any time of the year, but to me this booklover’s necklace seems tailor made for autumn.
I just love this.
Find it HERE
8. Pincushions
Find them HERE
9. Ironing Board Covers
At the risk of being accused as someone who has taken her love of the domestic arts to dangerous heights, I must confess that I do so love to iron. I know, I know, weird, huh? The Songwriter says it must be somewhat of a physical metaphor for wanting to smooth out the world’s wrinkles and make everything better. Maybe he’s right, but I don’t analyze it too deeply. I even iron sheets, a fact that makes quite a few of my friends howl with laughter. Howl if you must, I say. You shall never know the luxury, the absolute sublime feeling, of slipping betwixt crisp, freshly ironed, lavender scented sheets and, I am here to tell you, few things in life are better.
So, just perchance, there are any out there who share my love of ironing.... take a look at these...
Find Them HERE
10. Fine Editions
Several friends of mine have recently gone over to the dark side.
By that I mean that they are extolling the virtues of book reading via the iPad or Kindle.
Quelle Horreur!!

Maybe on an overseas trip. Maybe. After all, I am the person who generally loads down her luggage with too many books and it just might be more convenient to have a book (or five) loaded up and ready to read on the plane, ferry or train. But, that’s all. Nothing could ever replace the feeling of a book in my hands. Ever. With all this recent talk of real books eventually going the way of the dodo, I have begun to collect fine editions of my favourites.
These publications by White’s Books are simply wonderful.

These publications by White’s Books are simply wonderful.
Richly decorated cloth covers and beautifully printed on gorgeous paper, they are a true pleasure to own and to read. Over and over.
and of course....
the very best thing about Autumn...
11. Long Happy Walks With Edward
Like this one that we took this week, around a North Carolina lake.
Cool breezes and bright sunshine.
Cool breezes and bright sunshine.