For All My Readers, A Very Special Giveaway!
As difficult as it is for me to believe, From The House of Edward is two years old this month! I guess it’s no joke...time really does fly when you’re having fun. Starting this blog felt a bit experimental. I remember thinking it might last only a few months or so, and indeed, with each post, I thought, “Well that’s it. I’ll never have another idea”. But, it seems that when one pays attention, life is rather like a Chinese box, revealing treasure upon colourful treasure each and every day. So far, the ideas have kept coming, encouraged greatly, no doubt, by all the kind comments and thoughtful emails from my wonderful readers. Whether several paragraphs, a few sentences, or just a word, each and every one is a delight to me and I thank you all very much.
So strange it could almost be an idea sprung from the imagination of a fifties science fiction writer, but I feel such a connection, a real friendship in fact, with so many people all over the planet - all through this glowing computer screen that sits on my desk by the window. It fascinates me to think of you all, reading my words in your various places - your cottages and castles, your flats and pied-a terres. I imagine you in your gardens, walking your dogs. I see you clearly in your kitchens, at your windows, behind your desks and curled up on your sofas with your laptops and mugs of tea. I see Alice with her feet up, writing, as her houseboat drifts lazily down an English river. I see Angus at the French cafe, enjoying an early morning coffee with Wilf ‘s furry white head sticking out from underneath the table. I see Joni in her Houston courtyard, a book of French design in her hands. Weaver is writing poetry on her beautiful farm in Yorkshire, whilst Vicki tends to her magnificent garden in Provence. There’s Rima in her cottage in Dartmoor, creating entire worlds of magic - and Holly hard at work on her new Southern house. I see Tish with her camera on the old streets of Paris and Brooke planting strawberries with her daughter in their new kitchen garden in LA. So, so many others, I consider real friends. You all are incredible and you all make me smile.
I am so grateful for my readers, and in that spirit of gratitude, I am celebrating this personal blog birthday with a very special giveaway! As some of you read in my last post, I am crazy about Dominique Browning’s new book, Slow Love. Well, I’m tickled to say that Ms. Browning has generously agreed to personalize a copy of this wonderful book, just for the winner of the “From The House of Edward” birthday giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment here on this birthday post and you’re entered. Become a follower, or let me know if you’re already one, and you’ll be entered twice!!
The drawing will be at 11:30 pm on Friday the 25st... six months till Christmas Day... a perfect night for something special to happen, don’t you think?
Again, Edward and I thank you all, and we wish each of you luck!