Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Sale

It is warm today!  Actually warm!
The sun has remembered how to shine, there are sweet breezes blowing, and Edward is staring at me with a gleam in his eye.
 I have rolled all my responsibilites up into a prickly, peevish ball and thrown them right out the window to be blown far away by a gust of March wind.
With an apple and some dog biscuits in my pocket, Edward and I are off to enjoy the glorious weather!
  No time to write today.  
So, as a part of our Springtime celebration, I am having a special sale in my Etsy shoppe, just for all you wonderful blog readers.  
Here's how it works.  From now thru Sunday the 28th, all items in The House of Edward are 25% off.   If you purchase an item, send me an Etsy message, or regular email, and let me know that you came from the blog and I will refund your paypal account 25%.

In the shoppe you will find Easter bunnies and wedding cakes, silver dogs, babies and lovebirds, and one happy, laughing pig.  All are boxes that open to hide away special keepsakes, special memories, or even chocolate eggs!
Have fun.
And, more words soon!
I promise.