The Light in the Window
There is a lamp in my window that is kept on most of the time. A wonderful antique that I found one dreary afternoon in one of those eccentric old shops that decorators just seem to always know about; tucked away on a crooked street and crammed cheek to jowl with treasure. Drawn in a straight line to this lamp like the proverbial moth to flame, I fell immediately, completely, in love. Unfortunately, not only was it wearing the dreaded “Hold” tag around its exquisite marble base, but the name upon that tag belonged to of one of the most famous decorators in the city. But no matter. It could have been Aladdin’s own, for I was undaunted - and did I mention I was in love? - so I squared my shoulders and approached the proprietor flashing was I sincerely hoped was a smile of convincing charm. Shifting his weight from one wingtip-clad foot to the other, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand, the poor man was the picture of discomfort.
But, as I said at the beginning....there is a lamp in my window.
Whenever I return home, from long journey or mere errand, pulling up my drive, I see it standing sentry, its lovely golden glow washing out over the little fir trees in the windowbox - a silent greeting of the warmest kind.
It plays an important role in the stage I endeavour to set each time I leave my house. In preparation for a comforting welcome home, the beds are always made, the dishes put away, rugs are vacuumed, soft music left playing. When the Songwriter returns from a trip out of town, there is usually something delicious sitting atop the kitchen counter, candles are burning and that marvelous lamp is always aglow.
Home provides us with such comfort, be it cottage or castle. It is our sanctuary - our cozy nest in winter, our cool oasis from the heat of the summer. Like a beloved member of the family, it keeps our secrets close, knows our sorrows, is witness to our joys. We care for it and it, in turn, cares for us. Like that light in the window, it welcomes us back each time we leave.
But of course, the most extravagant welcome always comes from Edward!